Uhm... I didn't take anything personally. If I take things personally, I write a long long text about how the person is wrong and usually throw in a few comparisons with the Soviet Union or communists.
I replied to your post because I found it ironic that you said there's no moral highground and then proceeded to call people whiny and retarded in the next sentence. And the other post was because I replied to your reply.
Honestly, apart from a few morons, most posts that critizise LFS have been made by people who express their dissapointment or vent a little bit of frustration, where as posts defending LFS have been downright hostile and insulting. Why can't you just say "I disagree, I think things are fine, etc, etc...". Why do the posts need to include "go away", "you obviously have no life", "crybaby", "stop spamming" and my personal favourites "whiners" and "moaners". Those two get thrown around so much that I'm starting to think anyone that uses them is a moron. (Even Ziggy uses them and he's usually so nice that it produces a puke reflex on me...) Also using them is ironic as I shortly mentioned in my last post.
Although this text is a bit longer, I still didn't take anything personally (no reference to you as a KGB agent).