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Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Looks better than Mk2.

It's meant to be a practical family car so as long as it's not offensively ugly (which it isn't), it's fine.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Yeah, but you can't punish people on the grounds that you hate them.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Uhm... I didn't take anything personally. If I take things personally, I write a long long text about how the person is wrong and usually throw in a few comparisons with the Soviet Union or communists.

I replied to your post because I found it ironic that you said there's no moral highground and then proceeded to call people whiny and retarded in the next sentence. And the other post was because I replied to your reply.

Honestly, apart from a few morons, most posts that critizise LFS have been made by people who express their dissapointment or vent a little bit of frustration, where as posts defending LFS have been downright hostile and insulting. Why can't you just say "I disagree, I think things are fine, etc, etc...". Why do the posts need to include "go away", "you obviously have no life", "crybaby", "stop spamming" and my personal favourites "whiners" and "moaners". Those two get thrown around so much that I'm starting to think anyone that uses them is a moron. (Even Ziggy uses them and he's usually so nice that it produces a puke reflex on me...) Also using them is ironic as I shortly mentioned in my last post.

Although this text is a bit longer, I still didn't take anything personally (no reference to you as a KGB agent).
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from AcesHigh :Aaah but you seem to forget 1 important thing about the internet.

"arguing in the internet is like winning special olympics, even if you win your still retarded" doenst make me better really

If you constantly complain, that makes you what? calm? quiet? no it makes you whiny! or in other words a crybaby that doesnt get what he wants when he wants it.

And yes you probably are retarded if you think that what you get in term of patches is the only thing being worked on. And if there is no patch its no development?

seems like you are taking this personally for some reason

If you complain about people complaining then by your logic, you're whiny too? And I have never thought or said the devs aren't working on anything but when there's nothing to show for that work...
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Nice. Calling people who don't share your view whiny and mentally retarded. Always makes you look like a tough guy and wins any Internet dispute immediately.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
This is a forum about LFS. Where does it say that everything that's said about it, has to be nice? These threads are about LFS, so they're not spam. According to some people's advice, you guys should go read other threads, there are plenty of them.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from Stiggie :For **** sake, is it really that hard to ****ing understand?!

Are you really that thick that you can't see he's just messing with you?
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Aaaaaawwww... that's adorable. Luke's feelings were hurt by mean mean boys, so mommy Franky came to his rescue and told the mean boys to play nice. So cute.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from Stiggie :And yet still, the line is going up.

What is that pic supposed to prove? That there are more people online in the evenings than during the day? Yep, it proves that.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
I haven't followed this a lot so maybe it's a stupid question but is there actually a rule that states you can't deliberately crash your own car? Don't get me wrong, it's cheating, it shouldn't happen and it deserved some sort of punishment but if there is no such rule, then there has always been "if it's not forbidden by the rules, it's allowed" mentality among F1 people.

EDIT: I suppose one of the rules would be "no team orders".
Last edited by Kalev EST, .
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
When it was 62 cm then the snow was nice and fluffy because it was so cold and it snowed lightly with large flakes. After that the snow has collapsed under its own weight and got more compressed. That's way the snow is less deep although it's been snowing more and more.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Golf Mk2.
Impressive offroader
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :So Jerez 97 was just a case of "attempted homicide", but Singapore 08 had two blokes talking their way into having one of their drivers "commit suicide" for the team's own benefit.
Which one of these do you think is worse?

"Attempted homicide" ofcourse. It involved another driver who had nothing to do with it. Also spinning a car in a slow corner into the wall isn't really "commiting suicide". It's not really that different from Schumi's Monaco incident... What was the punishment for that? Starting from the back of the grid in that race?
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Well, on the same principle, Schumi should have been permanently banned after hitting Villeneuve on purpose?
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
I don't get it. Why are the schools closed because of snow? I'm sure UK has heard about roofs and walls and windows so there's no snow in the classrooms. With only a few degrees below zero, it can't be too cold either.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
57 cm in Tallinn and it's snowing more. About 30-35 cm in my home town. Sweet!
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :No, he wrote 2000.9 = two thousand and nine.

Blackbird sayd 2000.9 = two thousand and nine, which isn't true and Josephs sayd that in that case 2009.9 = two thousand nine and nine. Reread the posts yourself.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Keep being AWESOME!
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :So 2009== This-1?

Last year?
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :800x600 is my preference.

There's always atleast one.
Kalev EST
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Poor people are more likely to be communists. I don't like commies. You're obviously poor. So go away comrade.

Awesome chain of thought!